Making it to DaNang

The rest of the trip to DaNang was again with big winds and then doldrums’ hot sauna like days.  Just going to give you some fun pictures to describe this part of the journey.

Linda a bit cold and tired taking a break.

Linda a bit cold and tired taking a break.

Immre, our Hungarian/Canadian crew member that had a major shoulder injury

Elaine talking with Immre, our Hungarian/Canadian crew member that had a major shoulder injury

my bunk with clothes hanging and it was one of the few that was not obliterated with wet clothing.

my bunk with clothes hanging and it was one of the few that was not obliterated with wet clothing.

Shana on a slow day.

Shana on a slow day.

Sunsets are the work of God and a delight to behold

Sunsets are the work of God and a delight to behold

Getting closer!

Getting closer!

Yes, I will work anywhere! In Sail locker as it was only cool place now that we are in doldrums once again.

Yes, I will work anywhere! In Sail locker as it was only cool place now that we are in doldrums once again.

Linda and Mark discussing trim

Linda and Mark discussing trim

Linda working with Caz on making doughnuts!

Linda working with Caz on making doughnuts!

Judith releasing Yankee halyard.

Judith releasing Yankee halyard.

Fishing boat in the bay. We had to hang out here until they sent a pilot boat to take us in.

Fishing boat in the bay. We had to hang out here until they sent a pilot boat to take us in.

DaNang in the distance

DaNang in the distance

Loved the way the clouds came over the mountain

Loved the way the clouds came over the mountain

Interesting fishing boats

Interesting fishing boats

Bringing down the main as we get ready to go into DaNang

Bringing down the main as we get ready to go into DaNang

Judith and her Coconut cake for Hans birthday! YUM!

Judith and her Coconut cake for Hans birthday! YUM!

Getting fenders ready

Getting fenders ready

Going under the bridge. Are we short enough?

Going under the bridge. Are we short enough?

Love those fishing boats.

Love those fishing boats.

All shapoes and sizes

All shapes and sizes

Looking down the harbor

Looking down the harbor

Yea! the maintenance team is here!

Yea! the maintenance team is here!

Our crowd and reception is waiting

Our crowd and reception is waiting

Getting mooring lines out and ready to tie up.

Getting mooring lines out and ready to tie up.

Yep!! Drummers to welcome us in their native dress.

Yep!! Drummers to welcome us in their native dress.

Sarah explaining immigration procedures and welcome ceremony.

Sarah explaining immigration procedures and welcome ceremony.

Julia my favorite media girl that is getting married next month!

Julia my favorite media girl that is getting married next month!

Celebrate we are here! Sunny and Judith

Celebrate we are here! Sunny and Judith

Justin, Mark, Ryan and Alex

Justin, Mark, Ryan and Alex

Finally in DaNang and looking forward to meeting some of the people!  It is a very friendly city with everyone asking to shake your hand and have a picture with you.  Lovely people and interesting food!  A welcome ceremony with officials, champagne being sprayed on us and then all the local guys wanting to be on stage to be in a picture with us.  Unbelievable.

Did major work on the mast with silicone on split pins, checking the port and starboard spinnaker halyards, redoing some bungee on the spreader chafe guards and checking all the usual boat parts up there.  Me and my bucket of tools swaying in the breeze!  Someone actually took a picture of me up there, but my picture of the picture has not turned out.  So just a few of the fun moments in DaNang prior to returning home.

Checking out my balancing skills

Checking out my balancing skills

A great restaurant. They actually picked our food for us

A great restaurant. They actually picked our food for us

Eating with Lynn and Judith. We were the entertainment for the table behind us

Eating with Lynn and Judith. We were the entertainment for the table behind us

Making rice rolls

Making rice rolls

Learning to eat with chopsticks and a spoon

Learning to eat with chopsticks and a spoon

All for now.  Going strawberry picking with the Chinese in the morning!  Yes, I am in Qingdao China currently.

5 thoughts on “Making it to DaNang

  1. When you return home, you may need to write a book about your year long sailing adventure, Linda.
    Smooth sailing…Sharon and John Cooper


  2. So wonderful t hear from you. Over that the drummers met you. Such an appropriate entrance to DaNang. PS Happy Saint Patrick’s Day


  3. Godspeed Ms McDavitt! Glad you get a quick break before sailing off again…. All the old Mac Uniform Moms are keeping track of your travels:). Enjoy and stay safe! Jenny Curry


  4. So glad you are safe and Nick grabbed you!!
    Nice bruises.
    Thank you for the pictures and daily descriptions. You continue to be amazing, doughnuts and all.
    Many prayers for your “race”.
    I bet you loved the drums welcoming you🎶


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